Gold-mounted false teeth that Sir Winston Churchill wore as he made his “we shall fight them on the beaches” speech and other famous addresses, have been “snapped up” at auction for £18,000.
Dentures were so important to him, he carried two sets with him at all times.
Image: Pic: The Cotswold Auction Company
The Cotswold Auction Company, who handled the sale, said the teeth were “snapped up” for £18,000, more than double the £8,000 guide price.
Churchill, who guided Britain through the Second World War after replacing Neville Chamberlain as prime minister in 1940, suffered from dental problems most of his life and lost several teeth during his 20s.
It is believed up to four sets of teeth were made for him, with at least one buried with him, the Guardian said.
Image: Winston Churchill speaking in 1947. Pic: AP
The auctioned set was made for him when he was 65 at the beginning of the conflict.
More on Winston Churchill
Director Liz Poole said the teeth were “among the most unusual items” they had ever sold.
“We were absolutely delighted with the international interest in the sale of Churchill’s false teeth and other memorabilia, which included phone bids from collectors in the United States and UK,” she said.
Image: The Winston Churchill £2 coin, one of five new designs set to appear on UK commemorative coins in 2024
“The story generated global media coverage and featured in the news as far away as Canada, the US and Poland.
“The buyer has snapped up a unique piece of our country’s history.”
Image: The Winston Churchill £2 and the Buckingham Palace £5 coins. Pic: PA
Other lots included a microphone reputedly used by Churchill on VE Day to announce the end of World War Two, which sold for £11,500, plus buyer’s premium.
From this year, Churchill’s image has been on commemorative £2 coins to remember the 150th anniversary of his birth, one of five new designs to appear on UK coins in 2024.
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