British expatriates considering a life abroad often turn to Europe because it offers seemingly endless destination options with various perks.
Several countries have a rich history of attracting British expats with their warm temperatures and cultural charm and the best ones to move to have been shared.
To help whittle down the list of options, one content creator researched the best residency programmes across the continent. His research indicates that two destinations come up trumps for their benefits; Serbia and Montenegro.
In a YouTube clip, the Wealthy Expat shared several factors that, in his opinion, put the two countries among the top destinations to move to in 2024.
A content creator has highlighted two top destinations for expats to consider in 2024
He explained: “Serbia is a beautiful country with a beautiful nature, and overall a country that does not follow the agenda of the west.
“They don’t follow the wokeness, they’re traditional, they put emphasis on the family. Serbia [has a] very traditional culture, strong masculine men, feminine women.”
He continued: “Overall it’s a place where you will have a lot of separation from the west while being geographically close to Europe, [with] one-hour flights to Vienna, two-hour flights to Spain.
“You can pretty much have access to anywhere in Europe that you want.”
Another benefit of taking up residency in Serbia is the country’s proximity to Montenegro – another place worth considering, the content creator explained. British residents who move to Montenegro frequently maintain their pension benefits after moving to the country.
What’s more, the country’s cost of living is “significantly lower than that of countries like Germany, France, Italy or the UK”, according to the site EVisa.
“Montenegro is very similar to Serbia, very traditional,” the YouTuber pointed out. “It still preserves that traditional culture.”
“It’s a country that has amazing beaches and mountains. The nature is incredible. If you get residence in Serbia, you can get easy access to Montenegro, it’s a one-hour flight.”
He went on: “You can also buy property in Montenegro and get residency, there are many different projects.
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